Sinus Elevation
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Implants to be placed in the posterior maxilla create a unique challenge when there is minimal bone height available inferior to the sinus floor. Such deficiencies occur due to sinus pneumatization and extraction atrophy of the bone. Fortunately, the lost height can be regained by elevating straightforward procedures to augment height.
On rare occasions, there is inadequate bone height to place the upper implants due to the sinus. Grafting procedures can increase the height to place the implants successfully without affecting the sinus.
拉牙后,上頜竇会拉低及牙床骨收縮令牙骨變薄。 因為種牙需要一定的高度, 所以很多時都要提升鼻竇的空間,然後才能成功的植牙。